The Report of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women

This document contains the final report and recommendations of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada, established on February 3, 1967. The commission’s mandate was to inquire into and report on the status of women in Canada and to make specific recommendations to the federal government to ensure equality for women in all aspects of society. The commission was launched at a time when the women’s movement was in full swing, and other governments worldwide were addressing similar issues. Feminist social activists across Canada were fed up with their unequal status and envisioned a more inclusive Canada in which women could grow, achieve, and thrive without limits.


  Florence Bird (Chair), Journalist and Broadcaster

  Jacques Henripin, Professor of Demography, University of Montreal

  John P. Humphrey, Professor of Law, McGill University

  Lola M. Lange, Farmer and Community Activist

  Jeanne Lapointe, Professor of Literature, Lavall University

  Elsie Gregory McGill, Aeronautical Engineer

  Doris Ogilvie, Judge and Activist


Date: 1970


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