Belgium enacted this legislation aimed at reinforcing the equality of women and men by integrating the perspective of gender mainstreaming into all legislation, public policies, and action programmes; and at integrating directives from the European Parliament regarding the implementation of the principle of equal treatment for men and women regarding access to employment, vocational training and promotion, and working conditions. Gender mainstreaming is no longer an informal commitment. This law lays out a series of legal obligations for Cabinet Ministers and administrators of the federal public service, which include: developing objectives and a strategy in order to correct and avoid inequalities between women and men in federal public policies; the evaluation of all Acts and regulations to prevent and correct inequalities for women; the inclusion of “gender budgeting” in each draft of the government’s budget to show each department’s financial contribution to actions supporting gender equality; the collection of statistics broken down by gender; the creation of an interdepartmental committee composed of high-ranking members of Cabinet Ministers offices and Deputy Ministers offices to integrate the gender dimension; and the responsibility for the Institute for the Equality of Women and Men to monitor and support the integration of the gender dimension into law, public policy, and action programmes.
CCWESTT acknowledges that our greater science, engineering, trades and technology (or SETT) community is situated on the ceded and unceded traditional territories of First Nation, Inuit, and Métis peoples from coast to coast to coast in what is known as ‘Canada’. CCWESTT fervently believes SETT is enriched through collective relations and knowledge sharing and is committed to helping enhance and build these relations. Full land acknowledgement here.
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