Iceland - Act on the Administration of Matters Concerning Equality

This legislation outlines the responsibilities of the Directorate of Equality and the Equality Complaints Committee, and how the Directorate of Equality is to administer and monitor the implementation of  all of Iceland’s laws on equality (e.g., the Act on Equal Status and Equal Rights Irrespective of Gender, the Act on Equal Treatment Irrespective of Race or Ethnic Origin, and the Act on Equal Treatment on the Labour Market). The Act also authorizes the Directorate of Equality to levy per diem fines up to 50 000 ISK per day, for an entity’s non-compliance with its legal obligations. This Act also creates the legal obligation for municipal governments, after each municipal election, to create a gender equality plan which includes objectives and actions to promote equality and equal treatment in the allocation of funds, in the municipal services and employee matters, and how the equality rights of municipal employees will be ensured. Municipal governments are also legally obliged to submit the plan for approval no later than one year following municipal elections, and for progress to be discussed annually by the municipal government and revised as needed.

Credit: Government of Iceland

Date: 2021

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