For a New Social Contract of Equality Between Women and Men – Summary

This briefing presents a brief overview of the progress made in Quebec over the previous 30 years, reports on persistent inequalities, and proposes a government strategy for achieving true equality between men and women. The briefing calls for the Government of Quebec (“the state”) to make the fight against sexist stereotypes a priority; promote maximum economic independence for individuals; support the role of parents and family caregivers; promote and enhance health and welfare in a way that is mindful of the different needs of women and men; eliminate all gender-related violence; and foster equal participation between women and men in the various spheres of influence and at all decision-making levels. The briefing pronounces that the state plays a pivotal role in the pursuit of gender equality and must draw on the powers and resources available to it to make gender equality the basis of a new social contract, calling to action all members of Quebec society.

Credit: Council for the Status of Women, and the Government of Quebec

Date: 2004

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