This thesis presents the development of a creative, cross-curricular project series using the CDIO framework for engineering education to integrate engineering concepts and the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board graduate attributes. The work in this thesis was targeted towards fifth grade students and their teachers, adapting the CDIO process to create an electrical engineering curriculum appropriate for elementary school, called Exploring Electrical Engineering. As studies show that students begin to lose interest in the domains of science, technology, mathematics and engineering during grades 4/5/6, this work also demonstrates how creative, hands-on projects and positive role models improve the perceptions that grade five students have towards engineering, and towards their consideration of engineering as a future career path. Through these contributions, the creative, cross-curricular CDIO-based Exploring Electrical Engineering program is demonstrated to have positive effects on young students while introducing them to engineering concepts and attributes.
Credit: Emily Ann Marasco
Date: 2013
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