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Belgium: the promotion of gender equality and gender mainstreaming

This webpage contains an explanation of Belgium’s legislative and policy framework; the objectives of the Federal Plan for Gender Mainstreaming; the mandate of government equality bodies; the role of the Institute for Equality Between Women and Men; the role of the Commission of Health and Equal Opportunities (the legislative body responsible for gender equality legislation at the federal level); how gender equality policy is set by Belgium’s federal, regional, and community governments; and how these governments consult with civil society, in particular women’s organizations and feminist associations, on many issues relating to gender equality and tackling the issue of violence against women; and Belgium’s methods and tools for assessing the impact of its laws, regulations, and policies for achieving gender equality; gender budgeting being allocated to promote the equality of women and men; an explanation of the training courses regarding gender equality and awareness-raising and to whom they are offered; the collection of gender statistics; and the indicators for monitoring progress.

Credit: European Institute for Gender Equality

Date: 2022

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