2019 - 2022 - Gender Equality Strategy

Upon the expiration of its 2014-2018 strategy, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)  created this new strategy to guide the work of its Country Office in Rwanda during the years 2019-2022. UNDP’s Country Office in Rwanda collaborates with the Rwandan government, national actors, local and foreign entities, and others to work towards the goal of gender equality and women’s empowerment. The Country Office creates and implements policies and programmes to achieve gender equality objectives and identifies actions to take for overcoming potential challenges. Since the devastating 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, Rwanda has emerged as an impressive story of transformation in Africa. Guided by successive national medium-term plans and comprehensive policy reforms over the last two decades, the country has achieved remarkable socioeconomic progress and major advances in health, education, social protection, unity, and reconciliation. Rwanda has become a pioneer and a role model for its dedication to, and progress made on gender equality and women’s empowerment. Rwanda is one of the global leaders in gender equality.

Credit: United Nations Development Program

Date: 2019

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